POLIDEAINC 株式会社ポリディアインク 一級建築士事務所 株式会社ポリディアインクのWEBサイト


ポリディアインクは神戸を拠点とするデザインスタジオです。 建築、インテリア、グラフィック、プロダクトデザインを得意としています。

Polideainc(ポリディアインク)は、Polymer(重合体)とIdea(思考)とIncrement (インクリメント)を組み合わせた造語です。
Incrementとは、プログラミングでは変数の値を1増やす演算のことを指します。 私たちポリディアインクは、沢山のしなやかな思考でひとつづつ価値を創ります。

Polideainc is a design studio based in Kobe, Japan, specializing in architecture, interior, graphic, and product design. We offer a wide range of services, from branding to design and development of commercial, residential, and lifestyle products, mainly in East Asia. In recent years, we have expanded our field of activity to include real estate value-up proposals and small-scale urban planning. In commercial design in particular, we provide economically balanced designs based on analysis of various data and experience.

The name Polideainc is a coined word combining "Polymer", "Idea" and "Increment". Polymer generally refers to a high-molecular-weight organic compound composed of many monomers. Examples include nylon, polyethylene, and proteins in the body. Polymers are characterized by their strong and flexible bonds. In programming, increment refers to the operation of increasing the value of a variable by 1. At Polideainc we believe in creating value one by one with many flexible ideas.